First Audio Update

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Quick Post

So I got to go out for the first time in God only knows how long tonight with my sister. After a long, fun day at the beach. Had a blast at the beach with M, X, & T, and kept putting sunscreen on CJ. However…I didn’t put ANY on myself. Four hours later, my back is CRISPYYY.

Anyway. Went out to J-ville. Had a blast at a little bar there. Met some cool people. K is like the twin I never knew I had. Haha. She’s awesome! Went to my mom’s and picked up CJ. Still up. It’s 5am. LOL. Going to bed now after this. 🙂


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First Post

Okay, so I guess I should fill you in on what has happened up until now. I am the mother to a wonderful daughter. Suffice to say that her father is not in the picture. As I said in my disclaimer (read above) I am going to change names to protect privacy. I will call my daughter CJ. CJ is 18 months old, and she is the light of my life. She is so funny and bright! Ah, but I digress.

I have been in college for two years at a local college. The nursing program at this college is extremely hard to get into. I managed to get in after two years of trying. I was so excited when I got my acceptance letter! The nursing program recently hosted the orientation session, and we were all assigned our schedules, and given a list thirty miles long of things we had to complete before August 16–when classes start. I can’t believe it’s only nine days away!

To make a long story short, the school I went to lost my vaccination records. So, when I joined the Army (I am out now) I had to get my vaccinations all over again. When I contacted the Army and requested my medical records, they informed me that they have conveniently disappeared. Of course they didn’t say it in those words. But that was the meaning. So, in order to complete my vaccination requirements to begin the nursing program on the 16th, I had to get all my vaccinations all over again. I think I am probably the most immune person at the college that I attend. I figure if the first and second time didn’t give me immunity, well…the third time is the charm, or so I’m told.

I turned in my packet to Ms. W*, and we went over everything, and I am “cleared for takeoff.” I also received my nursing uniforms in the mail. (Sidenote: Do you know how much nursing uniforms cost?! $130 for two sets!) And I also received my “nursing kit” in the mail. It was my stethoscope (hot pink!) and all of the replacement bells, and the alternate bells, etc. I also have the penlight, and the scissors, and everything that I will need for clinicals.

Now mind you, while all of this is going on, I also have my daughter to take care of. CJ is rambunctious, and she gets into some messes. She has recently learned how to open doors, and the other day, I walked out of the living room, because she was being very quiet (always a bad sign!) and I heard water running. My daughter had opened the bathroom door, took her diaper off, threw it in the toilet, closed the toilet, attempted to flush the toilet, then climbed onto the toilet tank, and was stretched across, playing in the sink. She had thrown the toilet paper roll into the sink, effectively stopping it up and had the water running full force. The sink was almost overflowing by the time I found her. All of this she accomplished in the five minutes that it took me to take a phone call and fix and sandwich for lunch. But what would I do without her?

This morning, I woke up with a splitting headache. Genesis had woken up and was playing in her room, which woke me up. I got up, fixed her breakfast, changed her diaper, fed her, took some headache medicine, and buried myself under the covers for thirty minutes until the medicine took effect. In that time, she managed to somehow get to the top of my TV, and get JUST my glasses. She left everything else on the TV alone. She broke my NEW pair of glasses–I bought a new pair of glasses because she broke my old ones. Three times. I called my mom in tears, because I can’t afford to spend $300/mo on glasses! My mom just said, “Find out how much it will cost to get them fixed, and we’ll get them fixed.” Thank God for Moms! (Sidenote: My mom is also a nurse. She’s totally my hero. Haha.)

Okay, well I think that is enough for now. I will write again soon!


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