Test On Monday. PARTY ON MY PAGES!

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I have to study this weekend for the first official actual nursing style test on Monday. Unit 1 Test, here I come! Woot. And I have GOT to clean my damn house. My house is a disaster area. I kind of slacked off all evening earlier and talked on the phone mostly. I talked to JC for a good portion of the day, and the HA called. So I had a conference call going on. As always, it was interesting. JC is so quiet and shy around other people. And then, he fell asleep on the phone, and woke up to text me that he had fallen asleep on the phone. Haha. I cannot wait to see him next weekend. I am getting so excited! But shh…don’t tell him. LOL.

I have been struggling with a question…is it possible to miss someone that you have never met? JC and I were talking about this the other day, even though we went to high school together. We were more of vague acquaintances than actual friends in high school. We knew a lot of the same people, but as far as really kickin’ it in high school? No. I am totally into him though. 🙂

At any rate, things are going well. I have to post a picture of my new wall decorations, and I will do that at a later time, because at this very moment, it is 4:24AM. I stayed up all night talking to JC and HA. And CJ is going to be up in a little while. So I need to grab some shuteye while I still can, LOL.

Anyway…about the party on my pages thing: today, our nursing instructors were joking around with us, and asked us how many people were planning on partying this weekend. Being the terminal smart-ass, I raised my hand. The instructor sort of looked at me, and before she could say anything else, I said, “I’m partying on my pages with Ethics and Morals. Should be a great time. Everyone is welcome to join. It’s BYOB, though.” I don’t know why (probably because it was the end of the day on a Friday) but everyone thought it was hysterical. I was just being a smart ass. Haha.

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About nursesinglemom

Hi! My name is Evelyn, but most people call me by my middle name, Brook. I am a nursing student and a single mom. I decided to chronicle what my life is like as a full time student and a single mom. :)
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