Nursing School and Potty Chairs!

A Chuck E. Cheese costume character
Image via Wikipedia

Nursing school starts tomorrow. I am so excited, and at the same time, VERY apprehensive. What if the instructors don’t like me? What if I screw up? What about my daughter and childcare for her? How am I going to manage to do EVERYTHING all at one time? What if I can’t sleep tonight because I am so nervous? I should have spent the day getting one really good deep cleaning done on my house before nursing school starts, but CJ pee-pee’d in the potty chair all by herself today for the very first time. So we went to Chuck E Cheese’s to celebrate.

I got her the potty chair yesterday at Wally World, and brought it home, put it together (with a LOT of looking at the diagram, LOL!) and set it in the MIDDLE of the living room. I put CJ on it, and made a really big deal out of it. Yayyy! Every single time she would go sit on it, I would make a big deal out of it. Then, this morning, before she had even had it for a full day, she was running around naked (I know, it could have been bad!) and she was sitting on the couch. She looked over at me, slid off the couch, and just as pretty as you please, went over and sat on the potty chair. I made a big deal out of it again. THEN, I heard psssssssssss. My reaction was epic. I jumped off the couch, started dancing around the living room, telling her I was SO PROUD of her, and kissing her every couple of seconds. I called EVERYONE in my contacts list. I never thought that a child peeing in a potty could be SO EPIC. Until it happened. LOL!

I couldn’t have asked for a better present for starting nursing school than that!

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About nursesinglemom

Hi! My name is Evelyn, but most people call me by my middle name, Brook. I am a nursing student and a single mom. I decided to chronicle what my life is like as a full time student and a single mom. :)
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