
india calcutta bookstore
Image by FriskoDude via Flickr

Today, I went to the bookstore and bought the rest of my books (except for one which I have to buy on Monday) and the grand total that I spend on books this semester is going to hover around $1100. For one semester. Of books. Trees that have been mashed up, bleached, scribbled on, bound together, and shipped to my bookstore. What the heck…?

On top of that stress, my daughter must think that today is the best day ever to push my buttons. Oh Dear God. Is it really bad to say that I can’t wait until classes start back on Monday? Or to say that I am happy that my schedule is going to be hectic? Okay, it probably is. But God only knows…she gives me chest pain. If it’s not jacking my keys and running straight to the nearest electrical outlet, it’s grabbing the family photos (the irreplaceable ones) and tearing them to pieces, then laughing when I scream in horror.

CJ is not two years old yet (she is right around the corner from 18 months) but she has the Terrible Two’s DOWN to a science. I think I need a tranquilizer gun just to survive.

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About nursesinglemom

Hi! My name is Evelyn, but most people call me by my middle name, Brook. I am a nursing student and a single mom. I decided to chronicle what my life is like as a full time student and a single mom. :)
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